Yes, I know I skipped last week. That's because I was busy preparing for a craft show last Saturday that I was involved in so I didn't get a chance to log in at all. I managed to get a few hours of checking out the site only on Monday (Martin Luther King Day). I did the daily Calendar Quiz only to find out that, for some weird reason, the site had me as not doing any of this month's quizzes, even though I had done some of them before. (The only thing I can figure out is that it must've been some server glitch.) So I ended up re-doing the quizzes for this month up until Monday.
I went back to the employment agency and did the burger job again. It's cool that I got a raise for that job so I'm able to bring home more Kinz Cash these days. I played a couple of arcade games. I did some shopping and I purchased a few yard chairs for the backyard.
The only new thing I really did was check out the Kinzville Academy. I was starting to get bored with doing the quizzes, arcade games, and jobs so I thought it would be something interesting. Basically you pick a pet then select a course for your pet to finish. You can try any course for free but you won't get credit and you're only entitled to three free tries total on the classes. When it comes time for paying for classes, I could take the class myself for 50 Kinz Cash or hire a tutor to take the class for me for 250 Kinz Cash. I was a cheapskate so I selected the lower cost option.
I had to select which pet could go to class so I picked Magic since she's technically older by a few weeks. I was limited to taking three classes for credit per day. On top of that, I had to do the actual required tasks but my pet got the credit. At times I felt like I was playing a glorified arcade game and there were times when I felt that this was the equivalent of having my mother doing all of my school projects for me during elementary, middle, and high school.
First, I enrolled Magic in a Fashion class where I had to memorize what outfits a poodle model was wearing while she was walking down the runway. I did pretty well on that.
Then I enrolled Magic in a Language class where I had to solve a series of word puzzles. I did pretty well at that as well.
For the third class I picked Weight Lifting because I thought that Magic should learn how to be healthy. I had to "lift" weights with a mouse while making sure that it stayed within a certain set of lines (which you can see in the picture above the "Lift" button). After a false start, I learned it quick and I also got Magic to pass that class.
Here is Magic's report card at the end of the day. It's nice to see that she did great on her first day. But, on the other hand, I have to wonder what's the purpose of giving my pet an education. Will it encourage my pet to be more independent-minded? Will I get free virtual goodies for completing a certain level of coursework? Will I have to enroll my other pet (Floyd) as well in order to have a well-educated household or could I get by with having Magic tell Floyd what she's leared at school? I'm going to have to read up more on the Kinzville Academy before I venture further because I really don't want to be throwing my hard-earned Kinz Cash at something that's not going to be a real long-term benefit for my pets.
Monday was the only day that I was on because, that very day, I developed a scratchy throat that has developed into a full-fledged head and chest cold. At one point I completely lost my voice. I've been feeling extremely tired and I just didn't feel like having anything to do with Webkinz. Right now I go through periods where I cough like mad for several minutes. This coughing has started to affect my sleep and I hope this all ends for me soon.